We've just published an update of the Bodygee Scan App to version 1.4.5. Please make sure to update the next time you use it.
This update features several improvements concerning the scanning procedure and adds new functionalities:
- New improved scanning experience
- Scale Widget to use the Bodygee Orbiter as a regular scale
- Optional field for additional client identification
- Several bugfixes and UX improvements
Improved Scanning Experience
From now on, when you press "Scan" in the bottom navigation bar, a new screen appears:
Besides checking turntable and 3D Sensor connection this screen helps you to double check the most important body posture specifications. Press "Start Scanning" to continue to the regular scanning screen and scan your client.
Scale Widget
We implemented a new tool to use the turntable as a regular weight scale. You can open the widget either in the Settings menu (Profile » Turntable » Turntable Scale) (or by pressing the scale icon in the Body Preview). Here, you may also directly choose "Replace" to overwrite the automatic weight detection during scanning, should it be incorrect.
Optional Identifier
Whenever you add a new client you now have the ability to add additional information to identify a client. This can be anything from numbers to letters (e.g. your customer ID, phone number, …). In both the Scan App and the Coach App you are now able to search for those inputs in the client list. You will find the input when you create a new client after "last name" called "Optional Identifier".
The Bodygee Scan App is available in the App Store immediately. If it won't update automatically you may do so by selecting "Updates" in the App Store on your tablet.
Happy Scanning!