We've just published an update of the Bodygee Scan App to version 1.4.7. Please make sure to update the app, next time you use it.
This update features improvements within the client assignment feature and lets you analyse your 3D body scans quicker in the Coach App:
- New improved client assignment experience right after 3D scanning
- Automatic upload and 3D body processing, including status indicators
- Several bugfixes and UX improvements including improved re-weight scale widget
Improved Client Assignment Experience
From now on, when you finish a 3D body scan, you'll be directly forwarded to the 3D body detail view. This allows you to assign a 3D body scan to a client in a quicker and user friendlier way. The Scan App allows you to directly enter a client's details while the low quality 3D preview is loading.
Furthermore we've significantly speeded up upload and 3D processing in the background.
3D Body Status Indicator
The Scan App's home view now shows the status of each of your 3D body scans. Once a 3D body has been assigned and 3D processed it immediately shows up in your Coach App.