Product Training
Product training can be carried out at the same time as installation. This is done via the online Training Academy and must be completed by each coach who will be scanning your clients (endusers). The aim is to understand the theoretical part of the Bodygee scan process and to obtain the certificate at the end of the training.
On the support page you can find the FAQ and further information.
After the theoretical training is completed, the practical part follows. Here it is strongly recommended to do several practice scans per coach before the official Bodygee Start. This can be done within the coach team. Make sure every coach has done at least 3-5 practice scans and knows how to handle hard- and software.
Our customer success manager will guide you through this step with an initial scan quality feedback to ensure you are on the right track.
Here is a step by step guide on how your training concept could look like:
- Determine a standard education concept to train coaches and staff who will perform body scans. It is recommended to have one lead coach that will be trained by Bodygee. This coach then can train the staff
- Theoretical training: every coach or employee who will be scanning clients completes the theoretical Training Academy and obtaines the certificate. Training can also be done alone and at home. Everyone can create an Academy account. Select "Don't have an account? Sign up for free!"
- Practical Training: do a first practical training within the team. Goal: Everyone does at least 3 scans and has 1 avatar on the own mobile phone app
- Bodygee will check the quality and provide feedback
- Second practical training with implementation of the scan quality feedback. Make at least one more scan including the feedback
- Internal scan quality analysis and implementation for quality optimisation and preparation for the official Bodygee Start
- Data interpretation training: education about body composition and body data in general, how to interpret results after first scan vs. after second scan and education about the internal process on how and when to use Bodygee. (This is the company's responsibility. Bodygee is available for feedback on data interpretation)
Your next action:
- Implementation of your training concept
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