Setting up the tablet for Bodygee 3D scanning
Make sure that Bluetooth is turned on your tablet. Then, open the Scan App
go to Profile » Turntable and click on + to pair with your turntable
The serial number of the turntable appears, showing that the turntable was successfully paired with the tablet. The turntable will now continue to connect automatically whenever the Scan App is used.
You are successfully prepared if you can answer "yes" to the following questions:
- Is the place adequately illuminated?
- Is the turntable placed away from any walls/objects?
- Is the turntable connected to power?
- Is the tablet charged?
- Is the 3D sensor charged?
- Are the tablet's Bluetooth & wifi switched on?
- Is the turntable connected to the tablet?
- Is the sensor connected to the tablet?
Continue to Prepare your client for 3D scanning