Overall status: | ๐ข No active incidents |
Services: | |
Scan App | ๐ข No active incidents |
Coach App | ๐ข No active incidents |
Client App | ๐ข No active incidents |
Boxx | ๐ข No active incidents |
3D Processing Pipeline | ๐ข No active incidents |
Integration API | ๐ข No active incidents |
Support (email or whatsapp) | ๐ข No active incidents |
Updates: | |
27-Oct-2022 / 19:00 (UTC) |
We were able to upload a large part of the stuck scans and publish them in the Coach App. The remaining scans should also be published soon. |
26-Oct-2022 / 12:00 (UTC) |
We have rolled out a beta version of the scan app update to one affected customer. If the test is successful, we will be able to roll out the update to all customers. We therefore ask you once again for a little more patience. |
21-Oct-2022 / 14:00 (UTC) |
We are currently testing an update of the Scan App that should solve the issue. We plan to release this Update at the beginning of next week. We therefore ask you once again for a little patience. Please keep scanning since new scans are not affected. |
20-Oct-2022 / 06:00 (UTC) |
Scans made after 17. October 2022 are not affected. We could identify the issue and working hard on the solution. Unfortunately, we cannot fix this on the server side, but have to update the Scan App accordingly. Once again, we apologise for the outage and thank you for your patience and understanding. |
17-Oct-2022 / 15:00 (UTC) |
This issue may affect scans made between 14. and 17. October 2022.
How is the error noticeable? Even after restarting the iPad, a scan is not uploaded and published. Such scans are sometimes no longer clickable. We are working on the solution to recover such scans. |
17-Oct-2022 / 10:00 (UTC) |
First customer queries about scans getting stuck in the scan app on upload. Please excuse the inconvenience. We will try to rectify the fault as quickly as possible. |